
Tell me more Les orgues de la cathédrale Sainte-Marie d’Auch

Events . auch. Cathedral. Saint Mary's Cathedral. Cavaillé-Coll. Keyboards in Pays d'Auch. Concert. festival. Gers. Jean de Joyeuse. Music . Organ

The organs of the Sainte-Marie d'Auch cathedral

The two organs of the Sainte-Marie d'Auch cathedral are one of the treasures of this exceptional monument, registered with UNESCO. [...]


The August 6 2020

Tell me more Explore Auch : une appli pour découvrir Auch

Heritage & Culture . Android. Apple. App. auch. Cathedral. children. Explore Auch. exploreauch. Gers. Mini games . goose . patrimony . visit

Explore Auch: an app to discover Auch

Explore Auch is a free and fun visit application of the city of Auch available on tablet at the tourist office and on the stores. [...]


27st June 2018

Tell me more Cure de jouvence pour les vitraux d’Arnaut de Moles

Heritage & Culture . Arnaut Moles. auch. Cathedral. Culture . gothic. rebirth. Stained glass

Cure of rejuvenation for the stained glass windows by Arnaut de Moles

After more than 20 years of work on the western facade and the roof of Sainte-Marie d'Auch cathedral: “here we go again for a to [...]


The January 22 2018

Tell me more Auch, la belle surprise du Sud-Ouest, le clip

Heritage & Culture . auch. Cathedral. drone. Gers. countryside . seen

Auch, the nice surprise of the South-West, the clip

Filming locations for the 2013 clip In order to answer Internet users' questions, here are the details of the clips for the clip with information on [...]


The 3 February 2014

Tell me more Les 500 ans des vitraux de la Cathédrale Sainte-Marie

Heritage & Culture . 500 years. Arnaud de Moles. Arnaut de Moles. Glass craftsman. auch. Cathedral. Cathedral France. Gers Cathedral. Paths of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle. Gers. Unesco. Stained glass windows. Stained glass auch cathedral

The 500 years of the stained glass windows of the Sainte-Marie Cathedral

The Sainte-Marie cathedral is one of the greatest heritage treasures of the city of Auch. Completed in 1680 at the end of two centuries.


The August 5 2013