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By browsing the pages of the site, the Internet user acknowledges having read and accepted the limits of responsibilities and the conditions of use of the site. The Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office cannot be held responsible for difficulties in connecting to the Internet or viewing the pages of the site. The Internet user acknowledges, in particular, being informed of the differences in interpretation of Internet pages by the various navigation software available on the market.
Site editor
EPIC Grand Auch heart of Gascogne Tourist Office 3, place de la République BP20174 32008 AUCH CEDEX
amount of share capital: none
05 62 05 22 89 -
Intra-community VAT number: FR 66 790512867 XNUMX XNUMX
Model declined according to the graphic charter of the tourist office, produced by Elodie BARREAU.
Director of Publication
3, Republic Square
BP 20174
Website design
Assistance for project management :
17 Isaac Newton Street
Website Hosting
IRIS Interactive
4 rue du PNDF - 43000 LE PUY EN VELAY (Headquarters)
Copyright - Copyright © - Links
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With the exception of the iconography, the reproduction of the pages of this site on a paper medium is authorized, subject to the respect of the following conditions:
- free distribution,
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Reproduction on electronic media
Reproduction of all or part of this site on an electronic medium is authorized subject to the addition in a clear and legible manner of the source "Grand Auch Coeur de Gascogne Tourist Office" and the mention "Rights reserved". The information used should only be used for personal, associative or professional purposes; any use for commercial or advertising purposes is excluded.
The creation of links to
The site of the Grand Auch Coeur de Gascogne Tourist Office authorizes the establishment of a hypertext link pointing to its content, subject to:
- do not use the deep linking technique, that is to say that the pages of the site must not be nested within the pages of another site , but accessible by opening a window.
- mention the source that will point through a hypertext link directly to the targeted content.
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For other uses, please contact us.
Scope of contents
Despite the care taken in collecting information and creating the site using the most recent techniques, errors, omissions, inaccuracies, cuts or additions beyond our control may remain or be inserted on this site. The Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office cannot, for this reason, be held liable, either expressly or implicitly, for the entire content of the site; the user of the site and the information it contains acknowledges that he uses it at his own risk and that the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office cannot therefore be held liable for any damage. , direct or indirect, of any nature whatsoever resulting for all or part of the use of information on the site. Likewise, the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office cannot be held liable for the nature or content of the sites referenced on the following pages and in particular those to which access is permitted by the use of links. hypertexts appearing on the pages of this site. In accordance with the law n ° 78-17 of January 6, 1978, you have a right of access and rectification to the data concerning you.
Tourist Information System
The databases are protected by the law of July 1, 1998 and the French copyright regime. Any use or extraction of elements from the site not authorized by the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office is illegal and punishable under criminal law by the offense of counterfeiting.
Reservations solution
The role of the Grand Auch Coeur de Gascogne Tourist Office is not that of a sales company.
It is limited to the hosting of advertisements posted online (texts, photos, etc.) by professionals directly or by departmental reservation centers, as well as their customers' orders.
Thus, the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office:
- Does not intervene in transactions between buyer and seller.
- Cannot assure that sellers and buyers will complete the deal and perform.
- Does not provide any guarantee concerning the advertisements put on line, in particular as regards the capacity of the sellers, the accuracy of their advertisements, the quality of the products or services offered.
- Provides no guarantee for buyers, in particular as to their ability to pay for the goods or services they order.
Since the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Tourist Office does not intervene in transactions between buyers and sellers, it disclaims all liability in the event of litigation or any damage, present or future.
All declarations, all offers of services or products marketed via the tools:
are the sole responsibility of its author.
Data protection
Please read our Privacy Policy .
Financing of the Regional Council of Occitanie
The creation of the website was supported by the Occitanie Region, as part of the Grands Sites d'Occitanie program.

Explore Auch app

This application was developed by the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne urban community and its tourist office.
Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne urban community
Garros economic center
1 Darwin Street
32000 Auch
Design and production
It was designed with the support of the company Histoires de… acting as project manager assistant for the urban community.
Stories of… Bruno Mousset
107, avenue de la Libération
53940 Saint-Berthevin
The application was produced by the Mazedia company and uses Wezit.
16 Boulevard Charles de Gaulle
44800 Saint Herblain
Contents and information
The contents were produced under the control of the Musée des Amériques-Auch (ex-Musée des Jacobins d'Auch) and the Pays d'Art et d'histoire du Grand Auch service, services of the Grand Auch Cœur agglomeration community. Gascony.
Copyright and copyright
In accordance with the laws governing literary and artistic property rights or neighboring rights, the reproduction and representation of all or part of the elements making up the Explore Auch application are strictly prohibited.
However, subject to prior request, the reproduction of certain elements from the application (screenshots, photographs, texts, etc.) may be authorized for purposes serving to communicate the image of the application and the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne agglomeration community.