Tours and hikes

Auch, the heart of Gascony and the Gers, ideal walking terrain with views of the generous landscapes. Sometimes, the chain of the Pyrenees is revealed… Paths of Saint-Jacques in Auch and surroundings, GR of country, hiking circuits all levels, routes car or bicycle for you here!

New for 2024! Guide “Walks and hikes on foot or by bike” is available free of charge at the tourist office, to download and/or consult online in our brochures.

Randonnées pédestres


Departing from several villages in Auch heart of Gascony, choose a hiking circuit (on foot or mountain bike) suited to your […]

Chemin de Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

Way of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle

The GR653 between Arles and Somport passes through Auch, Montégut and the Gers with L'Isle-Jourdain as the gateway.

GR de Pays Cœur de Gascogne

GR of Country Heart of Gascony

165 km circuit that links the GR65 to the GR653 through the Gers via Auch, Lavardens, Condom ...

Les circuits en vélo à assistance électrique

Electrically assisted bicycle tours

Suggestions for traveling through our villages in "outdoor mode" via our hilly terrain in VAE.

Circuits en voiture

Car tours

Ideas for tourist routes to follow by car, or by bike, at your own pace.

Véloroute Vallée de la Baïse (V82)

Baïse Valley cycle route (V82)

The very recent Véloroute de la Vallée de la Baïse (2020) links a large part of the Gers to the already existing network of […]