Renewal of a label serving the territory.
Tuesday, December 12 at Mouzon, Bernard Pensivy, President of the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne agglomeration, Michel Roussel, Regional Director of Cultural Affairs and Laurent Carrié, Prefect of Gers co-signed the agreement for the renewal and extension of the Pays d label art and history, for the period 2024-2034.
Until now, only the municipalities of the former Grand Auch were labeled Pays d'art et d'histoire within the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne conurbation. Following this signing, the 34 municipalities in the agglomeration are now included in the new perimeter, even if preparatory actions were already proposed in some municipalities in Cœur de Gascogne.
A signature, symbol of local commitment

The extension of this label (and its renewal) rewards the city's commitment to heritage. She commends the quality of the actions proposed during the First 10 years of existence of the Land of Art and History. By proposing a redefined and extended area of action, more coherent in terms of heritage and administration, it offers a solid basis for thinking about the beautiful projects of tomorrow.
The Pays d’art et d’histoire label and its missions
The City or Country of Art and History (VPAH) label was created in 1985 by the Ministry of Culture. It is awarded to territories engaged in an active approach to raising awareness of heritage, architecture and the living environment aimed at residents, young people and tourists.
It is also a tool for knowledge, preservation and valorization. The label concerns all heritage: historical, architectural, industrial, landscape, vernacular, know-how and traditions.
The objectives are formalized in a ten-year agreement between the State and the labeled communities. The DRAC monitors the label, provides scientific support and awards grants. Inserted speaker guides ensure actions in contact with the public.
The Cities or Countries of Art and History form a national network of more than 200 territories where dynamism is maintained thanks to constant training and exchanges. In Occitania, 29 territories carry the label. Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne is the only labeled territory in Gers.
A positive outcome at the end of the first convention
The Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne agglomeration bears the label via its architecture and heritage animation department. Each month of the year, it offers numerous actions so that tourists and residents, young and old, can take advantage of the riches of the territory.
The Land of Art and History Grand Auch Coeur de Gascogne is:
- an inventory mission to be able to know and make known the heritage;
- around forty themes of guided tours on historical, artistic, natural heritage etc. ;
- a educational offer dedicated to young audiences, during school, extracurricular and extracurricular times;
- publications;
- a cycle of conferences on current heritage events;
- entertainment shows (cluedo®, dramatized visits, etc.);
- heritage signage;
- temporary exhibitions;
- local coordination of European Heritage Days;
- a digital application Explore Auch ;
- various communication media…
In total, more than 5 actions were offered from 100 to 2011 to nearly 2021 visitors!