The Maison de l'Architecture Midi-Pyrénées publishes guides for walks in modern and contemporary architecture. His third volume available online and in the tourist offices is dedicated to the department of Gers. It is a certain panorama of the Gers which is proposed here, an original exploration through the eyes of its authors. The themes are varied and this is not a guide that presents the exhaustiveness.

Architecture walk in Auch

Regarding the Grand Auch, the book invites the walkman to discover the IARC, the Dome from GasconyMovie 32, all three located in the lower town near the Allée des arts…

allée des arts Auch

And also the Jérôme Cuzin center, Lissagarray nursery school,Sainte-Bernadette church, the IUT Paul Sabatier, the Quentin Ortholan Garden, the Place de la Liberation.

Architecture walk in the Gers

To give you an idea, dear readers, the guide takes walkers who love architecture to Éauze and Bajon around water towers ; To Samatan, Fleurance and Seissan around the halls ; To Marciac, Saint-Clar and Vic-Fezensac around cultural equipment in  Vic-Fezensac and Eauze around the arenas ... 

équipement culturel

WE love

  • le format "pocket guide"
  • the booklet of testimonies of lived experiences Of authors
  • the booklet “exploration map” format".

Guide: House of Architecture

Heritage & Culture

. Architecture. Arenas. auch. Walks. Eauze


On December 4th, 2016: