"Go further, higher"

« Ultreïa " this word that comes from latin ultra (= beyond) and here it is (= interjection evoking a displacement) is an expression of joy of the Middle Ages, mainly linked to pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela.

“Going further, going higher” is the expression of physical and spiritual overcoming, used as a rallying salute for pilgrims to Santiago de Compostela.

“Ultreia” was associated with medieval songs. More recently, this cry has become the title of a contemporary song, also known under the name of "Song of the pilgrims of Compostelle", composed by Jean-Claude Benazet.

He continues to be transmitted on the roads, here are his words:

Every morning we take the path,
Every morning we go further.
Day after day, the road calls us,
It is the voice of Compostela.

Ultreïa! Ultreïa! E sus eia
Deus adjuva nos!

Dirt road and faith path,
Millennial Way of Europe,
Charlemagne's Milky Way,
It is the path of all my backgammons.

Ultreïa! Ultreïa! E sus eia
Deus adjuva nos!

And all over there at the end of the continent,
Messire Jacques is waiting for us, but
His fixed smile has always been,
The sun that dies in Finistère.

Ultreïa! Ultreïa! E sus eia
Deus adjuva nos!

On the paths on the Auch side

Have a good trip, good paths and passing through our place (route d'Arles) do not miss:

  • to obtain from theGrand Auch Tourist Office, the "Practical guide for pilgrims" for the Auscitian stage,
  • to visit (and have your credential stamped) the Cathedral of Sainte-Marie d'Auch on the list of world heritage of humanity by UNESCO under the roads of Saint-Jacques-de-Compostelle (way of Arles).
tournage saison d'or montegut

Go further…

Compostela Pathways Agency
4 rue Clémence Isaure FR- 31000 Toulouse
05 62 27 00 05

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. ACIR. art. song. Paths of Saint-Jacques de Compostelle. Compostela


The April 30 2016