Spring has arrived. Synonymous with renewal, the trees dress in their green foliage, the flowers leave behind a whole palette of colors... And it goes without saying, this season also marks the return of the flower markets. The annual meeting has been held for more than 20 years in the medieval village of Montaut-les-Créneaux : the Créneaux Fleuris.

In this year 2024, the 26rd edition of “Creneaux Fleuris”. On the occasion, in order to pay tribute to this event which made the village famous, we met Marie-Christine Baylac, president of the association CAP Montaut.

CAP Montaut, quésaco*?

Tour porte Montaut-les-Créneaux

CAP Montaut is the acronym for Culture Animation Patrimoine. His goal is to promote and bring to life the village of Montaut-les-Créneaux. To do this, a dozen people, members of the association, organize different cultural activities throughout the year: exhibitions, the Créneaux fleurs, meal concerts, empty workshops, Lous Avents de Nadau (Christmas market) etc.

* Who is it ?

Contact, animation, sharing, bringing others to life.

These are the words used by Marie-Christine Baylac during our exchange and which constitute the values ​​of the association.

The Flowered Crenels

It all started in 1998, the year in which the very first flower market took place. Marie-Christine Baylac brings her memories to life during our discussion: at the time, the market was held in the heart of the village; all the flowers, placed on the ground, gave the impression of having a “tide of flowers” ​​in the village.

Since then, the importance of the market for the village has only increased. Every year, it is between around forty and fifty exhibitors who come to liven up this day.

And contrary to what its name might suggest, the flower market welcomes horticulturists who come to exhibit their flowers or vegetable gardens, but not only that! With a desire to “collaboration between the association and local producers and artisans”, CAP Montaut rigorously selects its exhibitors: link with flowers/plants, artisanal, local (or at least French) products, promotion of originality, creativity and support for traders and artisans.

In the programme :

At this 26rd edition, will be exhibited: jewelry in the shape of flowers, organic oils, zero waste fabrics, pottery, aromatic plant vinegar, flowered carpets... Something to delight flower lovers!

Local producers are also there every year to fill you up with good flavors! Among others, you will find this year: market gardeners, Musketeer Brewery or Tucoulet area. And for those with a sweet tooth, stands of sweet and savory treats will be run by CAP Montaut and L'Association Sportive Montaltaise Basketball.

A circuit going from the gate tower to the village hall will be set up, with the opening of the medieval garden and the rose garden. Signs indicating the path will also be present.

Little curiosity: As in previous years, young people from Montalt will come back and forth to help you transport your purchases with wheelbarrows; wheelbarrows painted by artists from Montaut! A little extra which once again shows this desire to engage with everyone.

To know :
During these annual flower markets, other activities also punctuate the day! And this 26rd edition is no exception:

Nature / Hiking

. CAP Montaut. Flower niches. flower market . Montaut-Les-Créneaux


The April 23 2024