Heritage & Culture

. Architecture. auch. Gers. Rehabilitation. South West . Treille

La Treille, an old district remodeled

At the end of the 1950s, the Treille district was considered defective and dilapidated by a large part of the Auscitan population. The municipality, which took an interest in the future of this site from 1953, decided to launch an urban renewal project.

La Treille: from demolition to rehabilitation

The objective is then to transform the Treille into a new pole, complementary to those located in upper town and lower town. However, it was not until 1973 that the official decree creating the ZAC (Concerted Development Zone) of La Treille was signed.

This operation is very revealing of the evolution of heritage practices: if the first projects are characterized by mass demolitions and reconstructions, the following versions are gradually moving towards a policy closer to rehabilitation thanks to the mobilization of part of the local population around a quartier mostly dating 17th and 18th century, and which owns a few buildings whose architectural quality is undeniable.

An original subject of study: an example of “accompanying architecture” in the South-West of France

After an intervention by the Ministry of Culture limiting demolitions, the new buildings built between the years 1970-1990 will adopt an architecture that can be described as “accompanying”. The architect wishes to integrate his creation into the old urban fabric by different processes.

Of course, the Treille district cannot be compared with the architectural richness of the old town; but, adapted to the needs of the contemporary city, it offers a great diversity of spaces urban and shows how the city of Auch is truly in tune with national policies.

From the citation (sponge cake of the CAF building, concrete arcades on the Place de la Treille), through the pastiche and the facadism with an identical reconstruction (Maison de la Treille), the district of the Treille is a perfect example to approach the theme of accompanying architecture enters the southwest between 1970 and 1990.

Julien Defillon studied the Treille district as part of his thesis on “Support architecture in France, 1960-1990. Contemporary constructions in historical and heritage sites ”under the supervision of Laurent Baridon, professor of art history at the Université Lumière Lyon 2, (research laboratory: Larhra - UMR CNRS 5190).

He also worked as an inventory manager for Grand Auch Agglomeration and the Midi-Pyrénées Region in 2012 and 2013, in particular around the Spain district, the Garros district and the municipality of Montaut-les-Créneaux.

Since 2020, the Department of Art and History of Grand Auch has been offering guided tours of the Treille district.

Next visit to the Treille district

Heritage & Culture

. Architecture. auch. Gers. Rehabilitation. South West


March 10th, 2015