A tool to better understand your archaeological heritage

In 2012 and 2013, in collaboration with the DRAC Midi-Pyrénées, Grand Auch Agglomeration commissioned Mr. GOURVENNEC to carry out the archaeological map of Grand Auch.

Carrying out a reasoned inventory and a cartography of the archaeological heritage made it possible to prioritize and organize the existing data; it is a tool to help management, protection, study and development.

The municipalities concerned

The inventory mission concerning the archaeological map of municipalities of Grand Auch took place in two stages, in 2012 and in 2013. This concerns the municipalities of Augnax, Auterive, Castelnau-Barbarens, Castin, Crastes, Duran, Lahitte, Leboulin, Montaut-les-Créneaux, Montégut, Nougaroulet, Pavie, Pessan and Preignan.

The stages of carrying out a coherent and exhaustive inventory:

The objective of the mission is to carry out a reasoned inventory of all archaeological sites from prehistoric times to the end of modern times whether they were known in the past or discovered during this mission.

  • All the available documentation was examined: reports, articles, academic work.
  • A photographic cover was carried out for the buildings in elevation.
  • Archival sources were also consulted in order to specify the nature or chronology of medieval and modern sites.
  • Finally, a planimetric study of the villages was carried out.


The inventory of the municipalities of Grand Auch made it possible to significantly increase the number of archaeological entities (EA) identified. In the municipalities concerned, the number of archaeological entities has thus increased from 156 to 396 EA

Heritage & Culture

. archeology. gers archeology. auch. archaeological map grand auch. Conference


3st June 2014