La ancient city of Auch is located below the current city center, on a vast alluvial terrace on the opposite bank of the Gers. The development of the agglomeration is perhaps to be attributed to its strategic position near a crossing point over the Gers and in the vicinity of an important communication route, undoubtedly already active in pre-Roman times, uniting the Garonne with the Pyrenees.

Augusta Auscorum

The original name of the town of Auch appears to be Eliumberris, meaning “new city“. It extended over approximately 20 ha. It would have developed around 150 BC.

The Roman conquest (56/27 BC) did not lead to an upheaval in the framework of life. And it was not until the first century under the reign of Augustus or Tiberius, for the new town to extend to the banks of the Gers and be crisscrossed by a network of streets. It was in the middle of the XNUMXst century AD that the city experienced an urban transformation with, among other things, the establishment of a sophisticated sewer system and the construction of a civic and administrative center.

A 2017 report on the archaeological news of Auch

Find out more about the vast ancient aristocratic mansion discovered in Auch.

Heritage & Culture

. Antique. antiquity . auch. gallo roman. Gers


2st June 2014