Operation of the tourist office

Statutes and organization

THEGrand Auch Coeur de Gascogne tourist office is a public institution acting by delegation of powers from the Grand Auch Cœur de Gascogne Agglomeration Community, on the territory of the 34 municipalities that compose it.

Its administrative operation is the subject of a detailed presentation in its Quality Manual, available online. We find there the composition of his team and the missions of each.

Its action is carried out within the framework of tourist development plan for the agglomeration (2023-2028).

It has an agreement of objectives and means (2023-2025), in particular for the financing of its actions by the agglomeration.

Annual action plans

Activity reports of the tourist office

Key figures / Activity report: here is the summary of the actions of the tourist office

The activity of the tourist office

The tourist office

Opening hours, reception desks, team and other information at your service via the Category 1 Tourist Office and […]