With the very successful experience of the Tourist Office of La Grande Motte last summer, we have taken the initiative to introduce you to My Sport Session, a networking and booking platform for all Sports and Hobbies ! A platform that we particularly like...

The My Sport Session team, whose project was born in Occitania in 2018, came Monday January 16 2023 introduce us to the platform and how it works. The welcome was excellent!

Réunion des professionnels tourisme et loisirs Office de Tourisme Grand Auch Coeur de Gascogne
16/01/2023: tourism and leisure socio-professionals enthusiastic about the online booking solution which would make their daily lives easier (in the photo: Ecuries du Bouscassé, Service des Sports, Ferme de Bidache, MEMENTO, CDT du Gers, Le d 'Artagnan Echappées gasconnes, Pass'en Gers, OT and My Sport Session).

Access to all leisure activities combined is complicated, even if your websites or that of your Tourist Office are well referenced. Clicks to access booking information are multiplied. And even when the activity is inaccessible for any reason (holidays, closing day, full slot, inappropriate weather), your activities remain online.

And don't get me wrong, not every prospect works the same way in this area: some like to plan and why not book in advance, others don't. The anticipation slider varies depending on the case, and whether your activity can be booked very early or only at the last moment, the challenge is the same: it must be shown to be reservable!

Based on this observation, My Sport Session has compiled a lot of information to remove obstacles and offer a solution that facilitates access to booking!

Its advantages

Very easy to set up and monitor, this platform would allow us to capture and funnel a very large portion of all traffic online (Tourist Office website, search engines (Google, etc.), social networks, etc. to all Sports and Leisure service providers in the conurbation, while maximizing the conversion rate of reservations direct or links to your respective websites or telephone numbers.

A lin Grande-Motte, the results were immediate on the attendance AND the occupancy rates of the places of activities that have opted for this platform.



director of the office

MySport Session is the Doctolib of leisure activities: a simple and practical tool to encourage appointments and consumption by visitors.

More information

We have done this briefing note just to explain everything to you.

To know the advantages of the solution and express your problems in order to know if the My Sport Session solution would meet your needs, make an appointment with Sylvain.

My Sport Session is not an online payment solution. Nothing prevents you from keeping your existing payment solution.

UPDATE of 12/06/2023: it's online!

After several months of work, the platform is online and accessible at https://auch.onmss.com

Professional area

. culture in auch . leisure also . gers leisure . auch tourist office. online booking


The January 23 2023