Cultural heritage, CULTURAL HERITAGE


The village of Lahitte is dominated by a defensive tower that has become the church tower (XNUMXth century). There were historically two fortified places: the main castle built towards the end of the tenth century of which the church and its bell tower are the remains and also a tower known as "Tour du Roi" (completely destroyed). It would be there that Louis XIII would have received the homage of fidelity of the lords of the surroundings.
To discover in Lahitte: The church and the bell tower, the furniture of which is, in part classified, from XNUMXth century castles. private, XNUMXth century windmills.
and the cave with a fountain of devotion to Saint Radegonde.
Village of the Country of Art and History of Grand Auch, guided tours are offered by guide-lecturers (all year round for groups by reservation, according to a calendar for individuals). All dates and practical information are available from the Grand Auch tourist office.