The village of Castin, to the north-west of Auch, is said to have been the site of an old castle, now destroyed, in the part of the village called “Castelbieilh” which means “old castle” in Gascon. The viaduct, built in 1900, is one of the sites to discover in this village: made up of twelve arches and 126 meters long, it is a well-preserved vestige of the old Auch- Bazas built in 1903. The Saint-Genès church is also worth seeing: it underwent several alterations during the 3th and XNUMXth centuries. You will enjoy strolling through this village: it has gleaned its XNUMXrd flower!
"Castin, a slow and committed community! It belongs to the Villes et Villages Fleuris national label network".
Cultural heritage, CULTURAL HERITAGE