Heritage & Culture

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Events . escape game occitanie. visit auch . Visit the Gers

Book your next visits online

Don't have time to go to the tourist office? No problem ! We are offering you a new online booking service [...]


28st June 2023

Tell me more Secrets de vestiaire – immersion rugby à Auch

Events . auch . FCAG. Gers. auch story. Immersion. RCA. Rugby. Locker Room Secrets. Jacques Fouroux Stadium

Locker room secrets – rugby immersion in Auch

The Rugby Club Auch, the tourist office, the Friends of the old days of the FCAG and the Ferme de la Gouardère offer, in this year of the World Cup [...]


The April 26 2023

Tell me more Simon Augade au Musée des Amériques – Auch

Events . Contemporary art. Exposure . Gers. Museum of the Americas Auch. Artistic residency. Simon Augade

Simon Augade at the Museum of the Americas – Auch

From April 17 to July 14, 2023, the Museum of the Americas - Auch is hosting a residency by contemporary artist Simon Augade. [...]


The April 18 2023

Tell me more Hauts faits de la Résistance à Auch

Heritage & Culture . auch . singing. war . history . Auch Resistance Museum. heritage . reporting . Resistance

Achievements of the Resistance in Auch

Among the rather "unusual" tours of the Pays d'art et d'histoire du Grand Auch, you can follow the guide on the theme "Auch [...]


The April 17 2023

Tell me more Baludio, votre guide au creux de l’oreille

Heritage & Culture . auch . Baldio. conferral guide . Lavardens. Visit the Gers

Baludio, your guide in the hollow of the ear

Smartphone in your pocket and earphones on your ears, set off to discover the colorful places and characters that make the Gers so appealing [...]


20 May 2022

Tell me more Nouvel écrin pour le Musée de la Résistance d’Auch

Heritage & Culture . High places of memory Gers. History of France. Auch Museum. museum of resistance. Auch Resistance Museum. Resistance Gers. Second World War in the Gers. visit auch

New setting for the Auch Resistance Museum

After several years of exhibition in the rue Pagodéoutes in Auch, the Museum of the Resistance and the Deportation of Gers opened its [...]


November 22, 2021